




オドクレンズS: 表面トリートメント・キット

OdorKlenz-S: Surface Treatment Kit


オドクレンズS 表面トリートメント・キットは1/2ガロンのオドクレンズSと臭いを生み出している化学物質を元から上手に取り除くための必要なアクセサリーがセットになっています。この高度に効果的な消臭剤は安全で、香水、芳香剤などを含んでいません。オドクレンズSは、ペットを含めたいろいろな原因によるカーペットやいろいろなものの表面の消臭のために直接使用することができます。ベストの結果を出すために、掃除機やシャンプーなどとあわせてお使い下さい。

OdorKlenz-S Surface Treatment Kit contains a half gallon of OdorKlenz-S and all the accessories needed to successfully remove odors causing chemicals at the source. The highly effective odor eliminator is safe and does not contain any perfumes or fragrances. OdorKlenz-S can be applied directly on carpets and surfaces to eliminate odors caused by a variety of sources, including pets! For best results, use in combination with extraction equipment or shampooers.


OdorKlenz Laundry Additive (Powder)


OdorKlenz-Laundry Additive Powder offers the same odor elimination capabilites as the liquid version in a smaller more compact size. It eliminates the severe odors including: musty towel odor, urine, diapers, body odors, and even skunk! Available in 5 load and 80 load sizes.


SpillKlenz Pail


SpillKlenz is not just an absorbent, it’s an odor neutralizer! SpillKlenz bulk pails are ideal for schools, commercial settings, hospitals, and movie theaters. Great for stinky smells in our daily lives. Vomit, urine, and spoiled foods are no match for the odor elimination capabilities of SpillKlenz. Easy clean up with semi-solid clumping action. Use the SpillKlenz pails for large odor problems or to refill smaller containers.


SpillKlenz Travel Kit (Protective Case)



The SpillKlenz Travel Kit is not just an absorbent, it’s an odor neutralizer and clean up kit! Great for those stinky smells in our fast-paced and on-the-go lives. Vomit, urine, and spilled foods are no match for the odor elimination capabilities of SpillKlenz. Easy clean up with semi-solid clumping action. Each kit comes with two pouches of SpillKlenz absorbent material and the items needed to finish the job. SPECIAL: Buy in case quantities to save.

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